Tricia Wilkie
Jun 30, 2024
Exploring the link between movement and mental wellbeing
This month’s blog explores the link between
movement and mental wellbeing. To discover how we can help bring wellbeing to your organisation

Tricia Wilkie
Jun 1, 2024
Exploring the link between nutrition and mental wellbeing.
“Eating healthy food fills your body with energy and nutrients. Imagine your cells smiling back at you and saying: ‘Thank you!” Karen...

Tricia Wilkie
Apr 4, 2024
Understanding your stress container and how to manage it.
“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won't have to hear it scream.” Adapted from a Cherokee proverb. April is stress...

Tricia Wilkie
Nov 1, 2022
Stress vs Burnout – What is the difference?
It is National Stress Awareness Day on 2nd November. Sponsored by the International Stress Management Association (ISMA), it is a time in...

Tricia Wilkie
Jul 1, 2022
Five exercise tips to boost mental wellbeing
It has been proven that movement and exercise can help our mental health, read on to discover more. We have talked in depth about some of...

Tricia Wilkie
Apr 1, 2022
Stress Awareness Month: The Pillars of Wellbeing
Focusing on connection and belonging this April. April is stress awareness month. Since 1992 The Stress Management Society have raised...

Tricia Wilkie
Mar 1, 2022
Sleep: our resilience super power
Sleep Awareness Week on the 13th-19th March is a great opportunity to remind ourselves of the importance of sleep. Sleep is a basic...

Tricia Wilkie
Jun 1, 2021
Mindfulness: Science or Woo Woo?
In the relentless world we live in today, is stopping to practise mindfulness a waste of precious time and counterproductive when there...

Tricia Wilkie
May 3, 2021
No Health without Mental Health
Simply put, there is no health without mental health. Our physical and mental health are intrinsically linked, but despite that the two...

Tricia Wilkie
Jan 4, 2021
Goals vs. Intentions for 2021
It's that time of year again, a kind of limbo land between holidays and work, a space in which we might reflect on all the things we feel...

Tricia Wilkie
Dec 1, 2020
Spotting the Signs of Poor Mental Health
I think it's fair to say we are more able to recognise the signs that our physical health is declining; that we are more comfortable...

Tricia Wilkie
Oct 1, 2020
Top Tips for Winter Wellbeing
Winter is our natural time for rest and restoration. A time to hunker down and adopt a much slower pace in preparation for spring, the...

Tricia Wilkie
Aug 3, 2020
Gratitude, Reflection and Intention
“The idea is that our minds actually work better when we are grateful — allowing us to be more creative, more optimistic, and more...

Tricia Wilkie
Jun 1, 2020
Building Resilience for the New Normal
How can we adapt to change in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic?
Read on for my tips on how to build resilience and adapt to change.

Tricia Wilkie
May 4, 2020
Managing Stress in a Lockdown
Never did I imagine I would be writing a blog with such a serious title during such unprecedented circumstances! In a short period of...

Tricia Wilkie
Jan 1, 2020
Mindful Eating for Better Health
“Training your mind to be in the present moment is the #1 key to making healthier choices.” ― Dr.Susan Albers Psy.D. How do you eat? ...

Tricia Wilkie
Oct 10, 2019
Raising Awareness on World Mental Health Day.
These are some scary statistics. As corporate businesses, friends and family we need to be aware and try to support others where we can...

Tricia Wilkie
Aug 1, 2019
5 Top Tips for a Mindful Summer
Read on for our top tips to get the most of your summer.

Tricia Wilkie
Apr 1, 2019
Stressed? How does it impact YOU?
April is Stress Awareness Month. We cannot understand or manage our stress without awareness; how aware are you? The word ‘awareness’...

Tricia Wilkie
Mar 1, 2019
Let's Talk About Mental Health
1 in 4 people in the U.K will experience mental ill health. Read on for some insightful stats around mental health and our top 5 tips for...